This has inspired more than a few kitchen dances with my Marty. Happy Harvest Moon!
In rereading my previous blog; "Differentiating Between Spirit Guides and Others", I realize that between the white and the black of high frequency compared to low frequency, there is a whole spectrum of variables! The last paragraph of the blog post is absolutely true: Lastly, and most importantly, you will know the voice and presence of truth by the resonance of your own inner response. The vibration of a noble Spirit is palpable, and is One with our own highest vibration. Our heart chakras will glow and hum in an unmistakeable harmony. There is no mistaking when the connection is of Grace; it is certainty beyond doubt, and it is available to us all. The continuum mostly consists of the in between of the poles, and where most of us vibrate most of the time.
The noble Spirit of Love is palpable, and above all scrutiny. The experience of this connection is the highest Truth, a surging sensation of numinous rapture, is undeniable and metabolically altering; what I call a Joygasm. We, in human form, can not maintain this ecstasy for more than moments, but once we have, we know the indescribable, unmistakable powerful vibration of Love. The sensation courses through the lay lines of a geometry sacred and sublime, awakening an awareness of our connection to all that is, in Truth and Light. The lowest frequency at the opposite pole is in the apparent darkness, and in the absence of Light. It is an experience of literal despair, as in the root meaning of the word: Middle English despeiren, from Anglo-French desperer, from Latin desperare, from de- + sperare to hope; akin to Latin spes hope. To despair is to be cut off from hope. The Hope is always there, one with Light and Love. To feel separate of it is a devastating illusion. Big Stuff! Mind blowing, in actuality, because the intellect has no thing to do with it. Christians describe the first end of the continuum as the state of being filled with the Holy Ghost, and I agree with one enormous minutiae: we are always filled with the Holy Spirit of Love! The ecstatic state is experienced when our heart is open to the actual, palpable reality of what our soul, singular and collective, is. Once this occurs, the antennae is attuned, and able to detect the pulse of the flow. This is the highest frequency, beyond the bounds of measurement. This is beyond the rhyme and reason, the method and the madness, the song and the dance. It is beyond doubt. The other end is described as hell, and in this ascertation, Hell is an accurate depiction. In the perceived absence of Light and Love, Fear, and it's effects, a 'hell' can be experienced as a place, as well as a state of mind. It is a bit trickier to discern all the space in the middle, where most of us are, most of the time. Medium frequencies are full of subtleties. Beginning with intention, which is, after all, where it all begins. A person and/or entity can have the very best of intentions, and not be tapped in to the highest frequency. We are each a filter, with our own preference and bias. We, on our every day best, are all vibrating at a medium frequency. When we choose to make Spirit our avocation, as healers and readers and metaphysicians, we compromise the integrity of the clean feed by necessity. We must be vigilant about the tendencies of our own filter. Our prejudice and preference color our output. We need to remember the ecstatic state, free of time, space and relativity. If we catch ourselves during a reading taking on traits of urgency in the physical sense, we know the feed has been compromised. We are all Medium Frequency beings. The goal of Lightworkers is to be vigilant in our awareness of our specific tendencies. We strive to create the least interference as channels of the love. Mediums are the conduits between spirit and the living. Lightworkers bring light to the shady places. Healers allow wellness to overtake pain and dis-ease. In all these good works, the simple and poignant underlying common denominator is the awareness that the Spirit Light is all ways shining and all is well and whole and healed. It is our job to bring our clients to this reality with humility and grace. To do so, we must minimize the affect of our filter on the content of the flowing message. If, during a reading, the information becomes scolding, even and especially in a maternal voice, you can be sure it's your filter. Everyone has their own karma, and all of the intricate choices that they've made contributes to their lesson. The highest frequency is eternally patient and unconditionally accepting and loving. An edge of urgency about outcomes, goals, timetables, with a tone of judgment, it is not sourced from the highest frequency. Unchecked medium frequency can be appropriate in many nonspiritual forms of counseling when it is clear the criticism is coming from the opinions a human counsel, and not from a high frequency spirit and certainly not an angel! If an individual is full of despair, and feeling cut off from the Light, the admonishment in a reading may support their feelings of unworthiness, leading to detriment and possibly disaster. A recipient of a such reading, having been chastised and belittled, will feel more alienated from the Light! The result, besides the obvious inaccuracy, is quite the opposite of the purposes of a Lightworker. The pure feed of Spirit is without judgement, and as it passes through us, we interpret the information. We must guard against the tendency to move out of accordance. The highest entity recognizes the myriad intricacies of each of us in the vast, vibrant collective, and the grace for which each of us yearn. The revelation of our souls is like the blooming of an exquisite rose, petal by petal. The process is not a rush job, and ultimately will join in a glorious, endless bouquet of Light and Love. If it takes a hundred life times, amen, so be it. |
AuthorRue gives us a unique perspective on our world. Archives
January 2014