Sacred Geometry and Energy Medicine
Elaine M. Grohman is a gifted artist, and the author of two wonder filled books: The Angels and Me, and Spirit Awakening. Elaine is a practitioner of Associate Polarity, Certified Healing Touch, and Angel Therapy, and has developed a new modality: Healing from the 4th Dimension ~ Sacred Geometry and Energy Medicine. Elaine is also my mentor and my friend.
Elaine presented her skills and gifts at an Angel Reading in the early spring of 2009, and she sufficiently outed me. She called me out, about the lights and the faeries and the angels, in a room in the public library of my small town. I took her workshop, training in Sacred Geometry a year or so later, and have never been the same! Or, more accurately, I've become more openly who and what I am, in truth and in light. I am a Light Worker and a Healer, and a practitioner of Sacred Geometry.
Elaine presented her skills and gifts at an Angel Reading in the early spring of 2009, and she sufficiently outed me. She called me out, about the lights and the faeries and the angels, in a room in the public library of my small town. I took her workshop, training in Sacred Geometry a year or so later, and have never been the same! Or, more accurately, I've become more openly who and what I am, in truth and in light. I am a Light Worker and a Healer, and a practitioner of Sacred Geometry.
The Platonic Solids that comprise Metatron's Cube
As an artist, I knew a little something about Sacred Geometry, Divine Proportion, and the Golden Mean. I knew that temples of old were built according to these mathematical concepts, and that men like Leonardo da Vinci, Pythagoras, Plato, and Galileo studied the correlation between the geometric forms and patterns found in nature. To them, these principles indicate that there exists a cosmic order in this magnificent universe.
"Geometry existed before the creation" ~ Plato
The Practice of Sacred Geometry as a healing modality is a means of instilling an awareness of the connectedness, and the clarity and beauty that exists between us and within us. The concepts are vast, complex and mind boggling, and the experience of this moment is simple: we are truly One.
"Geometry existed before the creation" ~ Plato
The Practice of Sacred Geometry as a healing modality is a means of instilling an awareness of the connectedness, and the clarity and beauty that exists between us and within us. The concepts are vast, complex and mind boggling, and the experience of this moment is simple: we are truly One.
Golden Mean
In the 1202, Leonardo Fibonacci puzzled over the rate rabbits could breed and developed and equation that results in a sequence of numbers that describes the Golden Mean, or the Golden Ratio, that is very closely associated with Sacred Geometry.
These numbers accurately describe the spiral of the nautilus shell, the Milky Way, the wind movement of a hurricane, and the pattern of sunflower seeds, and the proportions of everything else. Once confronted with these patterns, it is difficult to believe anything is random, or coincidental.
These numbers accurately describe the spiral of the nautilus shell, the Milky Way, the wind movement of a hurricane, and the pattern of sunflower seeds, and the proportions of everything else. Once confronted with these patterns, it is difficult to believe anything is random, or coincidental.
Through the study of Sacred Geometry, I have discovered the myth and the actuality of the archangel Metatron, and now I am forever beholden to him.
Metatron's Crown, or Cube, contains the five platonic solids and is a subject of great fascination. The more I discover, the more awed and humbled I am by the one who exists to aid humankind through elegant mathematics and a serene wisdom of blended simplicity and complexity.
The first time I encountered this noble being, I asked him if he were indeed Metatron. When he said who he was, I apologized for not believing in him (!). He responded,
"It does not matter what you believe."
More about Metatron on my Pinterest Board Image by Chris Love
Buy Now and contact me to schedule a Sacred Geometry Energy Work Session
Sacred Geometry energy work is available by appointment for $75.00 per treatment.